Battle of the Giants: Solr vs ElasticSearch, Round 2


Learn about how both of these great enterprise search servers are evolving and adding new features. We will be comparing the latest and greatest versions of Solr and ES, both of which are using Lucene 4.x and bringing different approaches to handling codecs, per field similarities, and more. Of course, we’ll not only look at technical aspects of both Apache Solr and ElasticSearch, but will also dig into the makeup of their contributors, compare the code and of course the user community. By the end of the talk you’ll learn the main differences when it comes to these two search servers, how they handle shard and replica distribution, automatic data replication, and different query types. In addition, you’ll learn what the admin APIs for both Solr and ElasticSearch look like and how to use them to control and alter your cluster state. Last, but not least, you’ll learn what to avoid when using ElasticSearch or Apache Solr.

About the speaker: 
Author of Apache Solr Cookbook series and ElasticSearch Server books, father, consultant and co-founder of blog where he tries to share his knowledge. Currently working as search consultant and software engineer at Sematext. Mainly focused on Lucene, Solr, Elasticsearch, Hadoop and Mahout.

Schedule info

Time slot: 
4 June 14:15 - 14:40